Browsing Room Gallery at Downtown Presbyterian Church
Address: 144 5th Avenue, Nashville, TN 37219
Dates: March 4 – 22, 2023
Hours: open by appointment
The Browsing Room is very pleased to announce a new group exhibition: Daybreak: Showcasing the Artists of Daybreak Arts’ Artist Collective
Co-curated by: A.M. Hassan and Paul Collins
Opening Reception: Saturday, March 4, 6-8pm, Adjacent to the Fellowship Hall
image: A.M.HASSAN, Pine Hills Sunrise, 2022, acrylic on canvas, 16 x 20 in.
Artists: The exhibit will feature artwork by A.M. Hassan, Gwendolyn Johnson, Kateri, Edwin Lockridge, MAJ, and Sidney Sparkle.
About the Exhibit: Daybreak will feature the work of several artists who have all overcome the burden and trauma of housing insecurity to thrive as artists through the Artist Collective Program at Nashville’s Daybreak Arts non-profit. This exhibition will feature painting, photography, sculpture, jewelry, and assemblage work that tackles issues of hardship, perseverance, spiritual rebirth, and transcendence through the creation of art. Over the last decade Daybreak Arts has established itself as an invaluable resource for supporting artists affected by homelessness in our Nashville Community. This important organization has assisted a generation of artists through direct support of supplies, studio space, instruction, and exhibition opportunities at their Dickerson Pike headquarters as well as through partnerships across middle Tennessee. By supporting artists concretely and comprehensively they continue to foster emotional support through the collective bonds of friendship and collaboration that allow for growth and the development of individual artistic voices. The work that they do continues to make an indelibly positive impact on our community.
About Daybreak Arts: Daybreak Arts (formerly “Poverty and the Arts”) is a social enterprise nonprofit that creates artistic and economic opportunities for people experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity by providing them access to the creative resources needed to achieve personal fulfillment and success. Website: Instagram:
About the Artist Collective Program: The Artist Collective program equips people impacted by homelessness with the artistic resources, training, and marketplace to gain financial independence and overcome barriers to employment by leveraging their creative talent to earn meaningful and legal income.
About A.M. Hassan: A.M. HASSAN has been a member of Daybreak Arts’ Artist Collective since 2016. She is from Nashville, TN. She earned an Associate Degree in Architectural Engineering and Construction at Nashville State Community College and studied Architectural CAD at Gulf Coast Community College. Her work has been featured at numerous events and exhibits over the years, including the Art Gallery in the Nashville Parthenon, the Nashville Sign Billboard, and various prominent exhibition locations in Florida. After the theft of a crucial paycheck, she was homeless for a year with her husband. She now uses this experience to educate people about misconceptions of homelessness.
About Paul Collins: Paul Collins is an artist, curator, and educator in Nashville, TN. Paul has an MFA in Painting & Printmaking from Yale and has been a resident at the MacDowell Colony, Hambidge Center, Skowhegan, Anderson Ranch Arts Center, and the Vermont Studio Center. His work has been featured in New American Paintings, Number, and Native magazines. Paul teaches at Austin Peay State University and is represented by Red Arrow Gallery.
About the Gallery: The Browsing Room is a non-commercial gallery created in the space of the historic DPC’s old congregational library. The gallery serves as an extension of DPC’s long standing studio community known as the Artists in Residence (AIR) who have studio spaces above DPC’s chapel. The Browsing Room connects an art-seeking community with their AIR, as well as with other local and regional artists, by featuring a rotation of quarterly exhibitions. The gallery is currently open by appointment only.